7.1.2009 | 22:22
Nokkur dæmi um miskunnarleysi ísraela
Valið af handahófi úr því sem ég hef verið að viða að mér.
7 January 2009. In the press conference following the massacre of forty civilians last night in a UN school-turned Refugee sanctuary by Israeli mortars, Israeli army Spokeswoman Avital Leibovich confirmed that she and her government feel little remorse at the loss of life. Let me be clear she said, I am not apologizing.
At least 660 people have been killed thus far, but the number is expected to rise dramatically regardless of continuing violence due to the gravity of many of the injuries sustained, and the inability of the hospitals to cope with even the simplest of tasks. Among the dead are 215 children (!!!) and 89 women. Among the estimated 2,750 heavily injured Palestinians, 650 are children and a further 270 are women. meira
The European Union, Israel's largest trade partner in the world, is watching by as Israel tightens its barbaric siege on Gaza, collectively punishing 1.5 million Palestinian civilians, condemning them to devastation, and visiting imminent death upon hundreds of kidney dialysis and heart patients, prematurely born babies, and all others dependent on electric power for their very survival. Meira.
James Miller, 24, from Braunton, Devon, was shot dead by an Israeli soldier in 2003 while filming Palestinian children in Gaza. An Israeli investigation cleared a soldier of misusing firearms, but in 2006 a British inquest jury found Mr Miller had been murdered. Mr Miller was making a documentary about Palestinian children in the Rafah refugee camp when he was shot. His group of British journalists claimed they were carrying a white flag and had told troops who they were. But a soldier opened fire, hitting the father-of-two in the neck. Meira. og hér.
We get back to our bus and drive to the grave of Baruch Goldstein, a settler who murdered 29 praying Palestinians in the Ibrahimi-Mosque during a Friday prayer in 1994. Now, hes buried outside Hebron and the grave has become a site of pilgrimage for the most extreme settlers. The inscription hails him as a saint. Meira.
The senseless killing of eleven-year-old Mahmoud Al Qarnawi by Israeli soldiers made the news across the Occupied Palestinian Territories, and in the liberal Israeli press. But the rest of the world is silent as yet another child is murdered in Palestine. Meira
Það er ótrúlegt að þegar þú mótmælir þessari grimmd ertu um leið orðin handbendi og stuðningsmaður Hamas. Og stjórnvöld vesturlanda kyssa bandaríska vöndinn og neyta að fordæma fjöldamorð ísraela á saklausu fólki. Þessu verður að linna!
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Ragnar - kíktu á þetta frá palestínskum mæðrum.
Það var ráðist á skóla frá S.Þ. þar sem fólk aðallega börn og mæður þeirra höfðu leitað sér skjóls, með flugskeytum í fyrradag. Þarna er verið að fremja þvílík voðaverk að það er EKKI neitt sem réttlætir það.
Birgitta Jónsdóttir, 8.1.2009 kl. 05:25
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.